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Admission Process

    For admission in “Eklavya Model Residential School” (EMRS) Gurdhan Bala (Rajouri) for the Session 2024-25, Applications on prescribed format are invited from the students resident of District, Rajouri for seeking admission in Class 6th for session 2024-2025 in Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) at Gurdhan Bala Rajouri.

 Seats Breakup:

90% of the total seats are reserved for the ST students and 10% of the total seats are kept reserved for Non-ST Students wherein, preference shall be given to the children who have lost their parents due to LWE insurgency, COVID, children of widow & children of specially abled parents.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Candidate should be pass out of the 5th class from a Govt/Recognized Private School during the session 2023-24 or the candidate should be reading in class 6th during the current session and should have minimum age  of 10 year.
  2. 90% of the total available seats are kept reserved for ST students and 10% of the total seats are kept reserved for non-ST candidates as mentioned above.
  3. The total number of seats available for admission are 60 (30 Girls and 30 Boys).

Selection Procedure: 

  1. Candidate shall have to appear in the Common Entrance Test (CET) for seeking admission in class 6th class. The CET shall comprise of 50 Multiple Choice questions with four options for each question.

2. Total time duration of examination will be of two (02) hours.

3. Each question will be awarded 02 Mark and there will be negative marking.@ 0.50 marks per question

4. The Common Entrance Test shall be based on Mental ability questions, Arithmetic question, language and  

    General awareness questions.

6. The venue of the examination shall be notified separately. The expected date for conduct of Common

     Entrance Test is last week of May (Sunday), however the final date shall be notified separately.

  1. In case of the tie at the cut off merit the selection shall be made through Draw of Lots in presence of

student and parents.


Penalty for Wrong Answer:

There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.50) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

  1. If a candidate gives more than one will be treated as wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question.
  2. If a question is left blank i.e no answer is given by the candidate. there will be no penalty for that question.

Facilities to be provided to the students in the EMRS: 

The selected candidates will be provided free Boarding/lodging/Uniform/Text Books/Stationary material and all other facilities which shall be admissible from time to time in accordance with the EMRS guideline, issued by the Government from time to time.

Accdemic Syllabus: 

The prescribed standard in the school shall be Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

Schedule of submission of Application Form and Entrance Examination: 

  1. The Application forms shall be available from all the Zonal Education Offices & EMRS Campus Gurdhan Bala (Rajouri).
  2. The last date for submission of application form will be 15th of May 2024.
  3. The desiring candidates shall have to submit the application form duly complete in all respects viz a viz Supporting documents Category Certificate for ST candidate (Death certificate and Disability Certificate of parents in case of Non- ST candidates availing benefit under 10% reservation quota) in the offices of the concerned Zonal Education Officers or Main Campus EMRS Gurdhan Bala.
  4. Admit cards for the Entrance test shall be available at the concerned Zonal Education Offices (date shall be notified separately)
  5. The entrance test will be conducted on the centers notified separately.

Documents to be enclosed:

  1. For ST Quota
  1. Date of Birth Certificate.
  2. Aadhaar Card
  3. Domicile
  4. Category certificate 
  5. Disability Certificate (If any)
  6. Report Card of proceeding Class.
  7. One extra PP size photograph to be attached for Admit card.
  1. For 10% Non-ST Quota
  1. Date of Birth Certificate.
  2. Aadhaar Card
  3. Domicile
  4.  Disability Certificate (If any)
  5. Report Card of proceeding Class.
  6. One extra PP size photograph to be attached for Admit card.
  7. Death certificate in case of Orphan